Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's time

As I sit back at my desk in London, after spending far too long reading about writers that have made it I am hit with the realisation that it's time.

Naomi has read and proofed my book. She has made suggestions and aired her thoughts. She has encouraged and constructively criticised me.

My husband, Kendall, has spent hours reading over the manuscript, finding willing 11 year-old guinea pigs, stood for ages in Staples, hole-punching and collating the pages to send to Naomi.

Everyone has done their bit. And now it stops with me. I keep thinking of other things to add, to change. I keep thinking I'm not ready yet to submit it-just a little while longer. But then I wonder if it isn't anything but fear keeping me from sending out my first three chapters as you're supposed to and allowing the agents to decide to see the balance of it.

I'm afraid after all this time of crafting it, it still won't be regarded as good enough. I'm afraid of the hole that rejections leave you in.

Yet, perhaps these fears are irrational now. I've been offered and signed a real contract to write a non-fiction book for a publisher in the U.S. (no small feat). Publishers don't invest time and money where they don't think they'll get returns.

And so this week I have to do it. Send out the first three chapters and let God deal with the rest.

This week I have to let my writing speak for itself and remember this isn't the end yet.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hills, wood trails, yellow back spiders and heat!

Yesterday husband dear and I decided to invigorate ourselves with a walk in the woods. We started on the beaten trail, went to ogle at the Bilharzia looking lake and then started to climb. We climbed and climbed and climbed, cutting through huge webs feeling like quite the explorers. (I especially felt Lord Stanley-esque when I smacked a huge black and yellow spider off Kendall's back with my bare hand!).

We reached the summit of this hill/baby mountain and took in the beautiful view. (This would have been a great place to insert a picture except we forgot to bring a camera). Kendall wanted us to stand on a huge rock that was jutting out the side (he would!) there was a lovely drop to the rocky bottom had we have lost our footing.

We then followed a semi-trail down to the old canyon which looked more to me like a limestone quarry and scaled some rocks. A swan couple squawked and told us to piss off, which we soon did because it was too hot for sense.

South Korea has a natural beauty that I wasn't expecting to find. It has hills and mountains full of fir trees and trundling through them I felt like I was in Narnia, when the White Witch's strength is starting to fade and summer is returning.

Standing in the green with just a bottle of water, a stick to beat away the webs, good walking shoes and if you're clever sunglasses to protect your eyes (I forgot mine) will make for some lovely trekking.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What one of my students wrote to me :)

Hi, Erina!! I'm beth~ Do you remember me? I was your student~ Handong English camp~
I really really miss you~ I'm so sorry that I send this email so late~

Although I use wrong grammer.. I believe that you can understand! I believe.. :(

I want to go handong again~ Before I went to handong, I really hated Handong English camp

but After I went to Handong, I love this camp! hahahahhahahahah

Erina~ Where are you now? Are you in Korea until now?? or Are you in England?

I hope you are in korea~ Especially in Pohang!!

I really miss our classroom, classmate, every ELT, every cc.,....and all of Handong!

But the best person was you:< !!

Although I couldn't speak english well, you always understand me, and told me "good~" "great"!!

you are the best teacher!!!

I really miss you~ I want to see you again goodbye ~

and do you know talisa's email?? If you know please let me know talisa's email !


from. Beth To.Erina~

I read that this morning and begun my day with sheer happiness :)